Monday, April 29, 2013

My Three Wishes

1. an UNDO button   :)))))))
    an UNDO button
    an UNDO button

How many times... I textured an entire group of prims unintentionally...

2. Agrees with Berry, I wish SL had a better reputation. There's so much good/great/AWESOME going on here. We need more positive PR. I am not shameful of my SL, but usually say something like, it's not what you've heard, and send one of the better youtubes. I was hoping that the Fantasy Faire would break out into mainstream media to showcase what this community does for Relay For Life. Oh, well...

This is one video that drew me in:

3. I wish I had time... time to learn mesh and create with the passion abandonment I learned to build with cubes. Time to be more social. Time to give more to the community.

In the meantime, dance me to the end of love :)

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