Tuesday, May 30, 2017

SL14B Coming Soon!

I'm back in full swing in Second Life for the ultimate party - The SL14B. Come celebrate OUR birthday!

This is the best place to be for the most diverse group of Second Life residents presenting music, art, live shows, community talks, exhibits, freebies, a hunt, and so much more.

The party is on all day and all night, you can always find something to do. Come dance or just hang out to a variety of music genres on 4 Stages. I know we will be catering to every music taste on the DJ stage.

All the information is HERE  The applications are still open for performers and DJs, as of today. We are looking especially for those who can perform in the wee hours of SL. (midnight to 8AM SLT)

Sign up for the daily update, and receive a daily listing of all the music and going ons. Cya there!

I am wearing several hats this year, as usual, volunteering as an EA, Mod, and Co-Lead for The DJ Stage.

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