Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sneak Peak SL12B Opens Sunday 12 Noon SLT

Sneak Peak SL12B ... as the days count down.....

The sims will be open to the press at noon today, more pictures to come. Although I have had access to the builds I will not publish anything until officially it opens to the press. All the information can be found here - music schedules, links, destination guides, landmarks,and more.  Bookmark it at the top of your list, you will use it many times in the coming weeks. Oh, and if you didn't know it will have one of the biggest hunts ever! SL12Big Hunt

Here I am with my staff shirt on, checking messages at breakfast in SL. I will wear many volunteer hats this year; Co-Lead for the DJ stage, Moderator, Greeter and Hostess, Press, and Dreamer, as one title puts it. So far, it has been great experience meeting so many new people from all over the world. It truly is a community celebration, it seems almost everyone is pitching in to make this the biggest and best birthday celebration ever!

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