Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lazy Sunday Lounging Around

Ever notice the word "lingerie"? I know it's French, but I remember to spell it from the word linger. But men never seem to figure that out. Once you put on a piece of lingerie, the game is to get your guy to linger more than a couple minutes... before it all comes off.


Well today I am showing some pictures from (finally) my move to Firestorm from Phoenix. I had to spend several hours getting all my preferences just so.... but the results.... easy shadows :) Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks. 

Yes, I surrendered to Gos shoes, and yes, they are awesome. These are the sandles in mirror.  A perfect match to my favorite skin from Curio, (Sundust Summer Smolder). I have added extra freckles from a tatoo. Hair is from Truth (Brianna - Blonds with roots). My undies and bangles are from a Lucky Boards at Sakide.

Just to post another shot of this skin, Summer Sundust Smolder Frex. No, this shot is not from a "teeth version" of skin or make-up, but from my Mika emoter, which smiles and does an occasional grin. Sorry no current URL, I've had this attachment since 2007. I am so glad Gala is back. I request more blonde eyebrows, please.

time to put a sweater on........

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