Last night I went to the final night of my dear friend Bubuk DJing at her newly sold U2 Club. I had a great time, danced for 3 hours, digging the way all my fringe moved with the music. I woke up this morning still in the outfit I put together. I am sipping my coffee paging though iheartsl.com on my Google Reader, and I am suddenly struck with the realization why I seldom post there. I cannot often replicate my own outfits!
Top: by Adomedea Rain - Daisy cami - modded sleeves off, tinted, I think was a freebie from a year ago, sleeves made by me.
pants: by Malread Fritzgerald - Dare Pants- humming bird, tinted, freebie.
shoes: freebie from Vinyl Cafe, totally modded, stuck my earrings all around for fringe, retextured and tinted.
belt: made by me - every time I wear it I change it.
skin: Elaine by Chaisuki, rain dance, if I could lighten the eyeshadow I would, so softened by glittery eyelashes.
hair by Analog Dog, Winter - Platinum, bangs from a freebie there, modded
Jewelry: all by me