Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Strawberry's Google Meme

I've been very busy in RL and in SL with two builds for the the Burn2 coming October 19th. But was curious what Google said about me. So here are my findings in response to Strawberry's post.

  1. Google your Second Life name in “quotations” and share your results. about 1840
  2. What is the first link that comes up? my Youtube account
  3. Which link were you surprised to see? Houz???? Quora??? They were on the 1st page. I am clueless why. A few pages later, I saw a SL group I used to participate in...and it has all the group meeting chat logs in public! THAT WAS a surprise.
  4. Click on the “Image” tab and tell us where the first 5 pictures listed are from. 1st - my Google profile pix, 2nd - from a friend's Flicker photo stream, 3rd - my SL profile pix, 4th - another friend's Flicker photo stream, and 5th - MOST surprising because I have never seen any fashion bloggers do a post to include my jewelry I have on the market place:))
  5. Click on the “more” tab and then click “news” and share your results. No results found for “Leondra Larsson”

Yes, I have dragged flat Rodvick into one of my builds for the Burn2!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

)'( The Man Stood This Week )'(

It was a very busy week on the Playa. There were many changes and new things each day.

 Pygar Bu and his team have done an amazing job on The Man this year. It's such an intricate build and there are plenty of pathways to wander through.

Here's the state of my art build at the beginning of the week. I worked on setting more of the theme out, and giving the space a sense of enclosure and intimacy.  I really wish I was listed as one of the art builds on the burn2 blog page. There's tons of stuff to manage, and the volunteers are doing an amazing job of organizing and running things, I understand errors can be made. I'll send some emails later about the oversight...

Props that depict radical self-reliance were added to my build this week. Solar energy, recycled and filtered shower water, huge jugs of water, and a campfire with never ending coffee were some of the newly built features. RickerR wrote an original poem about John Frum which is in the book on the crate.

Another build I especially like is the live music stage. I can't wait to hear some of my favorite acoustic musicians.  

I also got last weekend my smaller plot. The one I bought with the original sales months ago. The idea is a cornfield where this seemingly prehistoric monolithe circle appears. Archeologists are sent in, and one can search for meaning and a prize. It's more likely you will find the latter.

I hope I did not reveal too much before the official  Press Day of October 17, just enough hopefully to keep up the excitement, :)))