Saturday, October 18, 2014

Come for the Freebies, Stay for the Art, and Music, and...

Burning Man and Burn2 (landmark to the gate HERE)are about having an experience where everyone values The 10 Principles. It's a very different event than most of the big events in Second Life, it's not about selling things or asking for donations for a cause, it is about creating an experience of participation, respect for others and the land, having fun, and enjoying each other's true gifts.

"Breath of Life" necklace, gift from the build, Valley of the Temple of Ra

One of these principles is the culture of gifting. "The gift culture, then, is most useful because it is a social lubricant – a legitimate way of reaching out to our fellow human beings that is non-exploitive and establishes a connection between people who have no other reason to talk to each other. It has nothing to do with an “economy” but everything to do with breaking down the barriers that isolate us as human beings." (Creavet Magister, Burning Blog)

 Steam Gypsy Caravan in Jade

My gift at My Oasis in Gypsum

One of my favorite builds is done by my neighbors Dusty Canning and Camsie Melody in Gypsum, The Pot Dealer. The beginning of the interactive build has you seeing the pots coming off the potter's wheel. 

A mechanical man on a skate board, then spray paints the clay.

Without giving away all the fun, there are several things to "play" with, but be careful, not everyone leaves with one of these colorful pots as a gift:))

Friday, October 17, 2014

Tommorrow - Burn2 Opens - The Second Life Celebration of Burning Man

It was press day today, and I only have time to leave some images.

The Burn is about Radical Inclusion, Gifting, Decommodification, Radical Self-Reliance, Radical Self-Expression, Communal Effort, Civic Responsibility, Leaving No Trace, Participation, and Immediacy.

The Man
will burn a week from Saturday in one of the most awesome light and fire works shows in Second Life.

Here's a description of some of the builds, but it is an incomplete list, There's so much more to take in. 

The following are pictures by Mangala Taurog, truly an impressive, warm, and richly textured build (LM HERE). The music, intricacies, and variety of the kasbah experience only lacks the smells. I highly recommend taking the time to explore.

(the back of the build, incredibly detailed)

After you complete the maze for "The Valley of the Temple of Ra" you will find a wonderful Egyptian temple, and an awesome gift necklace, "Breathe of Life"

This build is the beautiful fractally (?) textured, "Silk Roads Rest Stop".

Come and experience! More pictures to come.