Coming October 19, is the annual Burn2 event. Burning Man was the spark that gave Philip Rosedale, the founder of Second Life, the idea for its creation. Burn2 (during its first years was known as Burning Life) is Burning Man in Second Life, it is a recognized regional of Burning Man. This year's theme is, "I Robot", as was the theme in Nevada last month.
These are a couple pics of my build, "Resistance Is Fertile". This is a play on The Borg's insistence that "Resistance is Futile". It is representative of the thought of current politics of The Resistance in the U.S., women's insurgence, and a return to our natural and feminine power and place in the world.
Just a peek:) No links yet, the building areas are closed to non-builders. HOWEVER, there are a few plots left, so snap one of them up here , at the main region, open to the public.