Well here is the meme:
1. What is your current inventory number? –85,585 (but haven't emptied my trash in a while. I have to go through it before I will do it)
2. If you had to delete your whole inventory and could only keep one thing, what would it be? I love my objects, assuming I could keep what my avatar was wearing, it would be my house I built, although it's too many prims for one object, it's still one "thing".
3. What is the last thing you purchased? – Aushka&Co Play Node Top Mesh (knotted tank top with color change hud)
4. Which item do you wear most often? – Maitreya Mesh Eyelashes (former group gift) they fit perfectly (after adjusting)
5. When you search for the word penis, how many items pop up? 6!!! (3 are gestures) includes a "Penis Brain" that I had no idea I had.
Skin - Glam Affair - Katya Jamaica5 @ collaborate
mesh tank and pants - Aushka&Co pants are a group gift, top, not free
shoes - Gos @ Love Donna Flora (no longer available)
hair - [e] [elikatira] Abbey